accounting principles的意思
accounting principles中文翻译:
accounting policies───会计政策
accounting practices───会计实务
accounting procedures───核算程序
banking principles───银行学原理
governing principles───管理原则
acceleration principles───[物]加速原理;[物]加速度原理
accounting machines───会计机器
accounting periods───会计期(accountingperiod的复数)
banking principle───银行原则
Nearly always the project manager will need certain knowledge of financial techniques and systems along with accounting principles.───几乎所有的项目经理都需要除了会计管理以外的关于财务技巧方面的知识和方法。
After - tax cumulative effects resulting from changes in accounting principles.───凡因会计原则变动所产生之税后累积影响数皆属之.
The accounting principles based upon this foundation provide guidelines or directives to accounting practice.───基于上述基本概念和假设建立起来的会计原则为会计实践提供了指南和方针.
Suppose you are involved in selecting accounting principles for the purposes of preparing annual financial statements.───假设你正在参与选择的会计原则,以便编制年度财务报表.
I'm studying accounting principles, philosophy, calculus, English among others.───我学会计原理,哲学,微积分,还有英语等其它课程。
And managerial accounting is not governed by generally accepted accounting principles.───治理会计不受公认会计准则的约束.
It aims to keep things simple, yet maintains the true accounting principles.───它的目标是让事情变得简单,却保持真正的会计原则。
And managerial accounting is not governed generally accepted accounting principles.───成本性态分析是管理会计学特有的一种方法.
Suppos you are involved in selecting accounting principles for the purpose of preparing annual financial statements.───假设你在准备年度会计财务报表时陷入了该如何选择会计原则的问题.
These standards are called generally accepted accounting principles.───这些标准被称为公允会计准则.
In following general accepted accounting principles, accountants must consider the relative importance of any transactions.───会计师在遵循公认的会计原则时应考虑到经济事项的相对重要性.
I have a good background in standard accounting principles a working knowledge of accounting practices.───我有很好的会计理论基础,还有很强的会计实践能力.
There generally accepted accounting principles ( GAPP ).───通用会计准则 ( GAPP ) 也并非一成不变.
Accounting principles are also referred to as standards.───会计原则也可称作会计标准.
Understand the accounting concepts and conventions present in accepted accounting principles.───了解现今公认的会计原理中的会计概念和条例.
The generally accepted accounting principles ( GAAP ) require that a business use the accrual basis.───公认会计原则要求企业采用权责发生制.
Accounting principles are also referred to as standards.